Here at Hilltop Baptist Church we offer five different areas of corporate worship for those who step through our doors. While worship should be done on a daily basis in church and out of church, we feel that these five areas are a vital part of corporate worship when it comes to a believer’s life.

     The first area is the preaching and teaching of God’s Word. Acts 2 tells us the wonderful story of the Day of Pentecost where many people received the Holy Spirit and believed in Jesus’ name. In verse 42 it tells us that when they receive Christ “They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching. ”We offer many classes that allow believers to continually devote themselves to the teaching of God’s Word. Our preaching is also straight from scripture, we do not water down the Gospel at Hilltop Baptist. We simply preach the Word the way God intended it to be preached.

     The second area we offer is corporate prayer. Prayer is something that a believer can do on their own however, there are many times in scripture when the people of the Church prayed together. Acts 4:24, “And when they heard this, they lifted their voices to God with one accord and said…,” describes what the people did after Peter and John were released from the hands of those that didn’t want the Gospel preached.

The third area we offer is singing. Many people today hear the word worship and automatically think the conversation is about singing. Here at Hilltop we treat singing as worship but only one area of worship. When it comes to singing we offer a blended style of music. This is because we have a blended congregation when it comes to musical taste. And because we have a blended congregation we offer a blended service to give everyone equal opportunity to worship through singing.

     The fourth area we offer is giving. At Hilltop Baptist Church giving is more than just tithes and offering. While tithing is an aspect of giving it is not the only aspect we offer. The scripture makes it clear that we are to give to those in need. 1 John 3:17 says, “But whoever has the world’s goods, and sees his brother in need and closes his heart against him, how does the love of God abide in him?” When we come across a need that someone has we try to give the people of our Church an opportunity to fill that need.

     The final area we offer is fellowship. In Acts 2:42 the early church not only continued in the teaching of the Word they also continued in fellowship. This means they had a close relationship with each other. At Hilltop we present many opportunities for fellowship. Whether that is after the service for a meal or at a Bible study in someone’s home, fellowship is a vital part of our Church and we invite you to come fellowship with us.